Sunday 27 March 2016

Webcasting Tools

Hello readers.

This week marks the last week of formal content in ADED 1P32. Time sure has flown by! I am looking forward to completing final exams and wrapping up the semester so that summer can officially begin. Although my job this summer will entail a lot of planning, goal setting, and strategic planning, I look forward to the new projects that it will bring. I also cannot wait to enjoy the nice weather and to have more time to relax.

The final topic explored in this course was webcasting tools. In an online physiology course that I was enrolled in last year, screencasts were used in place of attending lecture. I found these to be very helpful, as the powerpoint with key points were the main focus of the screencast while the professor explained the content in detail. I ended up being more successful in this course compared to courses with traditional in class delivery. I believe that this was the case due to the fact that I could re-watch the screencasts and hear the professor's explanation again while studying.

I chose to make a screencast to give viewers a snapshot of some key aspects of being a digital citizen in the digital world. This can be found on the Screencast page on my blog. I downloaded the program Jing to my computer in order to create the actual screencast. It was very user friendly and after watching a couple of the Jing tutorials, I was able to successfully create my first screencast! I used, which securely hosts the screencasts created through Jing. To find out more about how these 2 tools work together, check out this webpage by TechSmith. I especially liked these 2 tools because I was reassured that video quality would not be altered and that users had control over the privacy of the content created.

I will definitely be adding Jing and to my PLE diagram under the create section. I found them to be very user friendly and look forward to using them again for some tasks this summer that pertain to my job. There are some new online tools that we recently started using for the honour societies that I work for. I think that Jing and will be helpful in creating tutorials on how to navigate these new tools so that our members can have a better understanding of them and so that the features of the sites can be used optimally and efficiently by our students.

We also learned how to add creative commons licenses to our blog. I've been so focused on citing the work of other authors, and never really though of protecting my own work. After seeing how long it takes to create original content, I definitely appreciate the fact that creative commons allows other users to share and build upon work that has been created.

This Week's Feedly Reader Article

I came across this blog post called The Secrets to a Happy Life, From a Harvard Study. This study has been ongoing for 75 years and shows that a major contributor to long term health and well being is the strength of your relationships with family, friends and spouses. I have learned a bit about this topic in a health sociology course that I am currently in, and found it interesting to read about some of the people in different demographics and how these factors contributed to their overall health. I am grateful for the strong relationship I have with my family, and reading this post made me even more excited to spend Easter with them tomorrow!



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