Thursday 7 January 2016

1st Ever Blog Post: An Introduction

Hello readers!

After doing some extensive reading and research on the technical aspects of setting up a blog, I finally think I've started to figure it out. I am a perfectionist and tend to become stressed when I do not fully understand things right away! Expert bloggers reading this would probably laugh if they knew how long it took for me to set everything up properly... that is the perfectionist in me (Please note that I am used to writing scientific papers and lab reports; I am definitely a beginner in this digital learning process!) It will be a new learning experience and there will definitely be challenges to overcome along the way, but I look forward to reflecting on my experiences in the ADED 1P32 course. The purpose of this blog will be to document and reflect on what I've learned about the digital world. 

I am a Medical Sciences student, so this course will be very different from the science based courses that I am used to taking. I believe that it is important to diversify the courses that are taken in post-secondary education in order to have a well rounded experience and to attain a multitude of different skill-sets. I am intrigued to learn about my digital footprint, and how to become more fluent with digital learning. There are transferrable skills that can be applied in every university course, and I am excited to be able to apply what I learn in this course to various other aspects of my degree and later on in my future career (in which I am still trying to determine...) 

Thank you for reading! I look forward to improving my blogging skills throughout the semester.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan,
    Welcome to the blogosphere! I can tell by your initial post that you are a good writer, so you will soon find your 'voice' in this space. You are correct in that writing for a blog is quite different from writing for scientific papers. Hopefully, you'll find this much easier. I'm looking forward to seeing your voice emerge throughout this course. Cheers.
